Q: Should QWC be listed on CryTrEx.com?

A successful vote does not mean that Qwertycoin will be listed on CryTrEx.com. For this listing we need QWC equivalent
to 150,000 CRYT these funds must be provided by the community through further donations. But we will get in contact with this Exchange as soon as possible.

Needed Amount: 0.7 BTC
One valid Vote equals: 14,000.00 QWC
Initial minimum Votes: 10,000
Note: real time target is enabled inf Votes, based on the current BTC : QWC price in real time by CoinGecko.
New required real time: 100,000,000 Votes
This vote is active until at least: 31. Oct 2018

Election is finished.
You can (re)check with this PaymentID: C57C4FF3D2FE649BCD9FCB017C3B524AEDE8AE6B89A6C3ACD12DB7000000C299 when payments were made.

Vote for: Yes

Vote for: No


14,000.00 QWC equals one vote (100,000,000 votes required to win)

Yes No minimum 100,000,000 votes


Yes: 0 Votes (0%)

Balance: 0 QWC this corresponds to 0 valid votes.

No: 0 Votes (0%)

Balance: 0 QWC this corresponds to 0 valid votes.

Total collected donations: 0 QWC