Q: Donate for a YoBit Listing

A successful vote does not mean that Qwertycoin will be listed on Yobit. For this listing we need funds
between 0.1 and 2 BTC these funds must be provided by the community through further donations. But we will get in contact with this Exchange as soon as possible.

Needed Amount: 2 BTC
One valid Vote equals: 10,000.00 QWC
Initial minimum Votes: 5,000
This vote is active until at least: 31. Oct 2018

Election is finished.
You can (re)check with this PaymentID: 9957841B49C023AC75660BBD4225F04C84B3356A642C9E83DC563F803CFFB683 when payments were made.

Vote for: Yes

Vote for: No


10,000.00 QWC equals one vote (5,000 votes required to win)

Yes No minimum 5,000 votes


Yes: 0 Votes (0%)

Balance: 0 QWC this corresponds to 0 valid votes.

No: 0 Votes (0%)

Balance: 0 QWC this corresponds to 0 valid votes.

Total collected donations: 0 QWC