Q: Shall we switch back to Cryptonight-Classic?

Community wanted an anti ASIC Mining algorithm on height 110,520. Now, three months later Community want the old Cryptonight-Classic algorithm back.
These poll will change Qwertycoin Mining in the future. After completion of the vote, we will carry out the change asap through an upcoming hard fork. Vote for Yes if you want an ASIC friendly Qwertycoin in the near future. To counter the yes votes, vote no.

Needed Amount: 1 BTC
One valid Vote equals: 100,000.00 QWC
Initial minimum Votes: 10,000
This vote is active until at least: 31. Oct 2018

Election is finished.
You can (re)check with this PaymentID: 26F02BB0FD8DDAD2B83E2C60EEFCB5A6D3E5DE5190BBAE99CBFF52E12E91EE93 when payments were made.

Vote for: Yes

Vote for: No


100,000.00 QWC equals one vote (10,000 votes required to win)

Yes No minimum 10,000 votes


Yes: 10,028 Votes (100.2818%)

Balance: 1,002,817,779 QWC this corresponds to 10,028 valid votes.

No: 181 Votes (1.8141%)

Balance: 18,140,814 QWC this corresponds to 181 valid votes.

Proportional representation:

Total collected donations: 1,020,958,593 QWC